NMB Bank Plc would like to inform NMB shareholders that the bank is in the process of verifying/updating their information. We therefore requesting NMB shareholders to update their contact details, bank details for their respective accounts which they will use to receive dividends as well as Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) in order to submit Withholding tax information to the tax authorities (TRA) as required by law.
This is for NMB Shareholders only,
- Who have not provided Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN)
- Who have not collected any dividends since they bought NMB shares.
- Who have changed their bank details and not notified the bank (including new shareholders).
- Who have changed their Contact address (Phone number, mobile number and postal address).
- Whose accounts are closed or Dormant.
Please visit the nearest NMB branch (Customer Service Desk) with a copy of valid identification document (Passport, Driver’s License ID, National ID or Voter ID) and share certificate.
For more clarification, please contact us through:
Physical Address: NMB Bank Plc - Head Office | Ohio/Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road 4th Floor- Finance and Reporting department.
Postal Address: P.O Box 9213, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Email Address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Contact us via Phone number: 0222322356 or 0222322421