Purpose: To help youth to understand the importance of saving through Wajibu program. This is successful done with over 600 trained facilitators across the bank.
Wajibu - a youth banking proposition helps young people aim towards a better financial future. It provides financial education content which enables youth to understand the importance of saving through Jifunze, Jipange –Wajibika sessions (Learn, Get Organized - Be Responsible). A range of resources for each age group are shared through through different channels to ensure effective awareness of the program.
These resources help teach young people about a wide range of financial aspects including budgeting, planning and differentiating needs and wants while showing them where to save through the three WAJIBU accounts (NMB Mtoto Akaunti for children between 0-17, NMB Chipukizi Akaunti for teens between 13-17 and NMB Mwanachuo Akaunti for tertiary student from 18 and above).We willingly motivate and support youth and consumers to make sound financial decisions on planning and saving through financial education. We believe attention to financial capability is essential for successful financial inclusion initiatives.
In collaboration with Women’s World Banking, Inc. to implement WAJIBU program - youth banking project funded by FSD-Africa - an in-depth focus group discussion, market research and surveys were done after the roll out where the findings which capitalizes on the need for improving financial capability performance and sales performance was identified.
Our financial inclusion programs implemented use the standardized training curriculum training in government and non-government schools and are delivered by 600 qualified branch based facilitators.
Read more on NMB WAJIBU