These are small loans to micro and small entrepreneurs to expand small and sustainable business. The objective is to assist micro and small business owners to get their business grow.
- Applicants can borrow from TZS 500,000 to a maximum of TZS 30,000,000
- It provides funds for working capital and business expansion
- Easy to obtain from our existing largest network of over 215 branches, over 6000 NMB Wakala and over 800 ATMs all over the country
- Loans can be used for any business purpose provided it is official and licensed business
- Low and competitive interest rates
- The bank provides knowledge to micro and small business owners on how to operate loans
- Repayment period is up to 24 months to accommodate the pressures and needs of micro and small entrepreneurs in line with their cash flow
- Applicants must be at least 18 years of age
- At least 6 months experience in the same business
- The business must be located within the target area covered by respective NMB branches.
- The business must have a steady cash flow
- Applicants must have proper recording system and also shows the capability of operating business profitably
- Applicants must have a premise (owned or rented)
- The borrower must have business license/permit from local authorities in his or her own name
- Applicants must have good reputation in the community
- Applicants must open or have a business or personal account with NMB
For further assistance, please contact your nearest NMB branch, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 0800 002 002.