Juma Kisaame became a member of NMB Bank's Board of Directors in June 2020. He has extensive experience in development finance, commercial banking, and financial and asset management.

Currently, Juma is the Board Chairman of Uganda Revenue Authority. Before retiring in 2018, he served as the Managing Director of dfcu Bank Ltd from 2007. During his tenure, he transformed dfcu Bank from a niche development financial institution to a robust retail operation. The bank's total assets grew to over Ushs 3 trillion, with over 60 branches, 100 ATMs, mobile, internet and agency banking. Juma is also credited for turning around the loss-making Eurafrican Bank into a sustainable profit-making position. He tripled the bank's balance sheet in three years and increased market share from number 28 to number 11. He expanded the branch network from one to five over the same period.

In 2002, Juma Kisaame founded the Uganda Leasing Association and served as its Executive Secretary until 2004. He now holds the Presidency of the African Leasing Association. He also pioneered the publications Lease Link and Afrolease Newsjournals, which advocate for leasing development in Uganda and Africa at large. Juma has also held senior leadership and governance roles, such as Vice Chairman of the Uganda Bankers Association and Director of Jubilee Insurance.